
10 December 2003

Have you ever had the feeling you were doing the wrong job? Have you ever thought of setting aside years of schooling in order to pursue another career?

For quite sometime I have been entertaining the thought of either a) furthering my career by getting a master's degree of some sort b) getting certifications in this or that c) get training on a new career path altogether. It scares the h, e, double hockey sticks out of me that I am even entertaining the thought of finding a new career altogether after all I've only been in this present career for the last 3 years, which by the way is the longest I've ever held a job in my life, hmmm.

Why would I even consider such an absurd notion as to leave the computer industry? 1) Many companies are now turning over their help desk, tech support, and coding divisions to places like the Philippines and India which is wonderful for those countries but not so great for the fellow computer geeks here. 2) I really despise being couped up in an office for a better part of my day.

So I am on a new quest for the working person's holy grail - a job they love doing and making a living doing it!

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