
30 March 2004

It is really amazing to me how people react to seeing a newlywed couple (or any couple) talking to other people and not doing so together. For instance, I was speaking to some friends of mine and across the room my wife was speaking to her friends, it was pointed out to me that I should be with my wife, I did not know that this was a major infraction of the marriage code, I assumed that I was still able to speak to someone without having my wife present, obviously in some people's eyes this is a no no. What really cracks me up is during our ceremony we lit a unity candle symbolizing that we were uniting as one but to put a spin on things we did not extinguish our individual candles symbolizing that we are still individuals - I guess not everyone got it or didn't like it.

Well my married life in and of itself is going well, we're slowly truckin' along getting our new home organized, thinking about the future and just simply enjoying one another.

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